



\r\n V/v Học bổng Borlaug Fellowships 2013 – Hoa Kỳ


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\r\n Bộ Nông nghiệp Hoa Kỳ (USDA) thông báo mở 02 chương trình học bổng nghiên cứu là Borlaug Fellowship Program và Global Research Alliance Borlaug Fellowship Program 2013.




\r\n 1)     Borlaug Fellowship Program 2013


\r\n Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:


\r\n Biotechnology:                  Development and Commercialization of Biotech Crops for Feed and Food Use (Corn and Soybeans)


\r\n Food Safety:                      Risk Assessment and/or Diagnostics for Pesticides or Microbial Pathogens in Meat and Poultry Products.


\r\n Genetics and Breeding: Increased Usage of U.S. Swine and Dairy Genetics and Livestock Management Techniques to Improve National Herds.


\r\n Địa chỉ liên hệ:                 Bà Bùi Thị Hương (email: Huong.Bui@fas.usda.gov hoặc BorlaugFellowships@fas.usda.gov), telephone: (84-4) 3850-5000 ext. 6141.


\r\n Hồ sơ dự tuyển:              http://www.fas.usda.gov/icd/borlaug/apply/default.asp


\r\n Thông tin tham khảo:     http://www.fas.usda.gov/icd/borlaug/Borlaug.asp


\r\n                                             http://www.fas.usda.gov/icd/borlaug/announcements/11-15-12.asp




\r\n Thời hạn dự tuyển:        Ngày 15/01/2013.




\r\n 2)      Global Research Alliance Borlaug Fellowship Program 2013




\r\n Lĩnh vực nghiên cứu:


\r\n Developing Tools for Greenhouse Gas and Carbon Sequestration Assessments


\r\n -         Develop easily used methods for measuring or estimating greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural settings.


\r\n -         Develop easily used methods for measuring or estimating carbon sequestration in agricultural soils.


\r\n -         Develop and field test user-friendly software for quantifying and reporting emissions under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.


\r\n Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity in Crop Production Systems


\r\n -         Identify agricultural management strategies leading to reduced net greenhouse gas emissions per unit of commodity produced in agronomic (including rice), horticultural, or agroforestry crop systems.


\r\n -         Develop models for application of experimental data in decision support tools for different crop or agroforestry systems in different countries.


\r\n Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity in Livestock Production Systems


\r\n -       Identify agricultural management strategies leading to reduced net greenhouse gas emissions per unit of commodity produced in grazing or confined animal production systems.


\r\n -       Develop models for application of experimental data in decision support tools for livestock production systems in different countries.


\r\n Developing Databases and Strategies for Synthesis, Integration and Decision Support to Manage Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Systems


\r\n -         Develop databases assembled from different research teams working on identifying methods to reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration.


\r\n -         Develop process models as a foundation for projecting emissions and sequestration in different agricultural systems and for decision support tools.


\r\n Địa chỉ liên hệ:      Bà Bùi Thị Hương (email: Huong.Bui@fas.usda.govhoặc BorlaugFellowships@fas.usda.gov), telephone: (84-4) 3850-5000 ext. 6141.


\r\n Thông tin tham khảo và dự tuyển:            http://www.fas.usda.gov/icd/borlaug/gra_announcements/default.asp




\r\n Thời hạn dự tuyển: Ngày 15/01/2013.




\r\n Phòng Hợp tác quốc tế trân trọngthông báo đến cán bộ quan tâm tham gia chương trình.


\r\n             Trân trọng cảm ơn./.

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\r\n Nơi nhận:


\r\n -          Các đơn vị trong Trường,


\r\n -         Lưu HTQT








